Media News : ‘Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness’: Is Bruce Campbell’s ‘Disheveled Man’ a Marvel Villain or an Old April Fool’s Joke? .

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness seems crammed with heroes like Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) and Wong (Benedict Wong). Still, there’s always room for more, according to rumors. Some include Tobey Maguire returning as Spider-Man after No Way Home. Others focus on Bruce Campbell as a mysterious ‘Disheveled Man’ in the Marvel movie after posting a supposed Doctor Strange 2 ‘script leak’ on April Fool’s Day 2021. However, as Andrew Garfield denied starring in Spider-Man: No Way Home, Marvel actors keep spoilers from fans at all costs.

A ‘Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness’ ‘script leak’ of Bruce Campbell as a ‘Disheveled Man’ in Marvel was posted April Fool’s joke

Bruce Campbell posted a supposed ‘script leak’ from Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, where he highlighted lines for a ‘Disheveled Man’ in the Marvel movie.

“Oops,” his tweet said, “this slipped.”

The scene details Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) traveling through the multiverse to mist-covered woods. Doctor Strange calls upon the powers of Munnopor, an entity similar to Vishanti and Agamotto.

 He takes on an offensive stance when he hears chainsaw noises. Campbell’s ‘Disheveled Man’ emerges from a rickety cottage in the Marvel’ script’ with a chainsaw where one hand should be.

Anyone who has seen the Sam Raimi Evil Dead series likely knows exactly what the scene implied. Instead of coming across a Marvel character, Doctor Strange came across Ash Williams from The Evil Dead in the post.

Bruce Campbell playing the ‘Disheveled Man’ in the Marvel might have been fake, but he could still appear in ‘Doctor Strange 2’

While the Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness’ script leak’ from Campbell was almost certainly fake, the actor has dropped hints of appearing in the film.

Spider-Man: No Way Home brought Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man heroes into the MCU. And rumors started flying about Maguire returning in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

And Campbell and Raimi have worked together several times, with Campbell even having a cameo in Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy.

With Sam Raimi directing the Doctor Strange movie, anything remains possible. Marvel could have its ‘Disheveled Man’ after all.

Campbell posted a cryptic tweet. He said, “Boy, it was a blast, working in a certain city, with a certain director on a certain movie with a certain actor – it sure was!” The post had the London skyline, the location Doctor Strange 2 is filming. Could his ‘Disheveled Man’ possibly have a place in the Marvel movie?

‘The Evil Dead’ actor could likely have a small cameo role in the Sam Raimi movie

Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man has a better chance at playing a bigger role in Doctor Strange 2, like in Tom Holland‘s No Way Home. Campbell could still appear in a smaller part, though.


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“His role will likely be small as the aforementioned tweet indicated ‘it was a blast’ to work on the project. As the film will continue shooting, this points to Campbell playing a fairly small role,” The Direct reported.

Whether he appears as the ‘Disheveled Man’ in the Marvel movie or one of his Spider-Man cameos, Campbell could give fans a fun Easter egg.